
No Matter What Your Credit Profile Is We Get You Covered With Bad Credit Car Loans In Alberta

March 8, 2017

Instant Cash Canada’s as a substitute lender help people with bad credit in terms of cash and grant money faster than any traditional banks. Our loan duration extends up to 4 Year. loan using your vehicle as collateral. Just pop on Bad Credit Car Loans, and conquer to our services and you won’t be disappointed or Call us Toll-Free at 1-866-840-7395 for more details!

Factors to qualify a Bad Credit Car loan:

•     You should be 18 years of age or older.

•     Vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, etc.) must be fully owned by you.

•     Vehicle must be both:

•     Less than 10 years old

•    Less than 170,000 KM

•     Valid Insurance with Collision details, if any.

•     Valid Driver’s License

•     Vehicle must be registered

•     You must have the vehicle registered and insured in your name.

•     A spare key set.


With, Bad Credit Car Loans Alberta; you Can Overcome Your Problems. Let us assist you!

Fee structure:-

The fees include the cost of borrowing, GPS installation, lien check, and car-proof report costs. For a clearer picture of what you qualify for and the coinciding payments please contact our sales representatives at Instant Cash Canada!


EnCana Place, 150 9 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P (For Calgary)

9925 107 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 1G4 (For Edmonton)

2810 Bremner Ave, Red Deer, AB T4R 1M9 (For Red Deer)


Alberta & Surrounding Areas Like Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Bonnyville, Westlock, Lacombe, Stony Plain, Sturgeon County, Sylvan Lake, Taber, High River, Devon, , Rocky Mountain House, Vegreville, Nisku, Athabasca, Wainwright, , Brooks, Ponoka, Drayton Valley, Coaldale And More.

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